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// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// require cr.js
// require cr/event_target.js
// require cr/ui.js
// require cr/ui/tabs.js
// require cr/ui/tree.js
// require cr/util.js
(function() {
'use strict';
* @param {Object} object Object to be checked.
* @return {boolean} true if |object| is {}.
* @private
function isEmptyObject_(object) {
for (var i in object)
return false;
return true;
* Copy properties from |source| to |destination|.
* @param {Object} source Source of the copy.
* @param {Object} destination Destination of the copy.
* @return {Object} |destination|.
* @private
function copyAttributes_(source, destination) {
for (var i in source)
destination[i] = source[i];
return destination;
* Apply localization to |element| with i18n_template.js if available.
* @param {Element} element Element to be localized.
* @private
function localize_(element) {
if (window.i18nTemplate && window.templateData)
i18nTemplate.process(element, templateData);
* Returns 'N/A' (Not Available) text if |value| is undefined.
* @param {Object} value Object to print.
* @return {string} 'N/A' or ''.
* @private
function checkIfAvailable_(value) {
return value === undefined ? 'N/A' : '';
* Returns |value| itself if |value| is not undefined,
* else returns 'N/A' text.
* @param {?string} value String to print.
* @return {string} 'N/A' or |value|.
* @private
function stringToText_(value) {
return checkIfAvailable_(value) || value;
* Separates |value| into segments.
* The length of first segment is at most |maxLength|.
* Length of other following segments are just |maxLength|.
* e.g. separateBackward_('abcdefghijk', 4) == ['abc','defg','hijk'];
* @param {string} value String to be separated.
* @param {number} maxLength Max length of segments.
* @return {Array.<string>} Array of segments.
* @private
function separateBackward_(value, maxLength) {
var result = [];
while (value.length > maxLength) {
value = value.slice(0, -3);
return result;
* Returns formatted string from number as number of bytes.
* e.g. numBytesToText(123456789) = '123.45 MB (123,456,789 B)'.
* If |value| is undefined, this function returns 'N/A'.
* @param {?number} value Number to print.
* @return {string} 'N/A' or formatted |value|.
* @private
function numBytesToText_(value) {
var result = checkIfAvailable_(value);
if (result)
return result;
var segments = separateBackward_(value.toString(), 3);
result = segments.join(',') + ' B';
if (segments.length > 1) {
var UNIT = [' B', ' KB', ' MB', ' GB', ' TB', ' PB'];
result = segments[0] + '.' + segments[1].slice(0, 2) +
UNIT[Math.min(segments.length, UNIT.length) - 1] +
' (' + result + ')';
return result;
* Return formatted date |value| if |value| is not undefined.
* If |value| is undefined, this function returns 'N/A'.
* @param {?number} value Number of milliseconds since
* UNIX epoch time (0:00, Jan 1, 1970, UTC).
* @return {string} Formatted text of date or 'N/A'.
* @private
function dateToText(value) {
var result = checkIfAvailable_(value);
if (result)
return result;
var time = new Date(value);
var now = new Date();
var delta = Date.now() - value;
var SECOND = 1000;
var MINUTE = 60 * SECOND;
var HOUR = 60 * MINUTE;
var DAY = 23 * HOUR;
var WEEK = 7 * DAY;
var SHOW_HOUR = 3 * DAY;
var SHOW_DAY = 2 * WEEK;
var SHOW_WEEK = 3 * 30 * DAY;
if (delta < 0) {
result = 'access from future ';
} else if (delta < SHOW_SECOND) {
result = Math.ceil(delta / SECOND) + ' sec ago ';
} else if (delta < SHOW_MINUTE) {
result = Math.ceil(delta / MINUTE) + ' min ago ';
} else if (delta < SHOW_HOUR) {
result = Math.ceil(delta / HOUR) + ' hr ago ';
} else if (delta < SHOW_WEEK) {
result = Math.ceil(delta / DAY) + ' day ago ';
result += '(' + time.toString() + ')';
return result;
* Available disk space.
* @type {number|undefined}
var availableSpace = undefined;
* Root of the quota data tree,
* holding userdata as |treeViewObject.detail|.
* @type {cr.ui.Tree}
var treeViewObject = undefined;
* Key-value styled statistics data.
* This WebUI does not touch contents, just show.
* The value is hold as |statistics[key].detail|.
* @type {Object<string,Element>}
var statistics = {};
* Initialize and return |treeViewObject|.
* @return {cr.ui.Tree} Initialized |treeViewObject|.
function getTreeViewObject() {
if (!treeViewObject) {
treeViewObject = $('tree-view');
cr.ui.decorate(treeViewObject, cr.ui.Tree);
treeViewObject.detail = {payload: {}, children: {}};
treeViewObject.addEventListener('change', updateDescription);
return treeViewObject;
* Initialize and return a tree item, that represents specified storage type.
* @param {!string} type Storage type.
* @return {cr.ui.TreeItem} Initialized |storageObject|.
function getStorageObject(type) {
var treeViewObject = getTreeViewObject();
var storageObject = treeViewObject.detail.children[type];
if (!storageObject) {
storageObject = new cr.ui.TreeItem({
label: type,
detail: {payload: {}, children: {}}
storageObject.mayHaveChildren_ = true;
treeViewObject.detail.children[type] = storageObject;
return storageObject;
* Initialize and return a tree item, that represents specified
* storage type and hostname.
* @param {!string} type Storage type.
* @param {!string} host Hostname.
* @return {cr.ui.TreeItem} Initialized |hostObject|.
function getHostObject(type, host) {
var storageObject = getStorageObject(type);
var hostObject = storageObject.detail.children[host];
if (!hostObject) {
hostObject = new cr.ui.TreeItem({
label: host,
detail: {payload: {}, children: {}}
hostObject.mayHaveChildren_ = true;
storageObject.detail.children[host] = hostObject;
return hostObject;
* Initialize and return a tree item, that represents specified
* storage type, hostname and origin url.
* @param {!string} type Storage type.
* @param {!string} host Hostname.
* @param {!string} origin Origin URL.
* @return {cr.ui.TreeItem} Initialized |originObject|.
function getOriginObject(type, host, origin) {
var hostObject = getHostObject(type, host);
var originObject = hostObject.detail.children[origin];
if (!originObject) {
originObject = new cr.ui.TreeItem({
label: origin,
detail: {payload: {}, children: {}}
originObject.mayHaveChildren_ = false;
hostObject.detail.children[origin] = originObject;
return originObject;
* Event Handler for |cr.quota.onAvailableSpaceUpdated|.
* |event.detail| contains |availableSpace|.
* |availableSpace| represents total available disk space.
* @param {CustomEvent} event AvailableSpaceUpdated event.
function handleAvailableSpace(event) {
* @type {string}
availableSpace = event.detail;
$('diskspace-entry').innerHTML = numBytesToText_(availableSpace);
* Event Handler for |cr.quota.onGlobalInfoUpdated|.
* |event.detail| contains a record which has:
* |type|:
* Storage type, that is either 'temporary' or 'persistent'.
* |usage|:
* Total storage usage of all hosts.
* |unlimitedUsage|:
* Total storage usage of unlimited-quota origins.
* |quota|:
* Total quota of the storage.
* |usage|, |unlimitedUsage| and |quota| can be missing,
* and some additional fields can be included.
* @param {CustomEvent} event GlobalInfoUpdated event.
function handleGlobalInfo(event) {
* @type {{
* type: {!string},
* usage: {?number},
* unlimitedUsage: {?number}
* quota: {?string}
* }}
var data = event.detail;
var storageObject = getStorageObject(data.type);
copyAttributes_(data, storageObject.detail.payload);
if (getTreeViewObject().selectedItem == storageObject)
* Event Handler for |cr.quota.onPerHostInfoUpdated|.
* |event.detail| contains records which have:
* |host|:
* Hostname of the entry. (e.g. 'example.com')
* |type|:
* Storage type. 'temporary' or 'persistent'
* |usage|:
* Total storage usage of the host.
* |quota|:
* Per-host quota.
* |usage| and |quota| can be missing,
* and some additional fields can be included.
* @param {CustomEvent} event PerHostInfoUpdated event.
function handlePerHostInfo(event) {
* @type {Array<{
* host: {!string},
* type: {!string},
* usage: {?number},
* quota: {?number}
* }}
var dataArray = event.detail;
for (var i = 0; i < dataArray.length; ++i) {
var data = dataArray[i];
var hostObject = getHostObject(data.type, data.host);
copyAttributes_(data, hostObject.detail.payload);
if (getTreeViewObject().selectedItem == hostObject)
* Event Handler for |cr.quota.onPerOriginInfoUpdated|.
* |event.detail| contains records which have:
* |origin|:
* Origin URL of the entry.
* |type|:
* Storage type of the entry. 'temporary' or 'persistent'.
* |host|:
* Hostname of the entry.
* |inUse|:
* true if the origin is in use.
* |usedCount|:
* Used count of the storage from the origin.
* |lastAccessTime|:
* Last storage access time from the origin.
* Number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch (Jan 1, 1970, 0:00:00 UTC).
* |lastModifiedTime|:
* Last modified time of the storage from the origin.
* Number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch.
* |inUse|, |usedCount|, |lastAccessTime| and |lastModifiedTime| can be missing,
* and some additional fields can be included.
* @param {CustomEvent} event PerOriginInfoUpdated event.
function handlePerOriginInfo(event) {
* @type {Array<{
* origin: {!string},
* type: {!string},
* host: {!string},
* inUse: {?boolean},
* usedCount: {?number},
* lastAccessTime: {?number}
* lastModifiedTime: {?number}
* }>}
var dataArray = event.detail;
for (var i = 0; i < dataArray.length; ++i) {
var data = dataArray[i];
var originObject = getOriginObject(data.type, data.host, data.origin);
copyAttributes_(data, originObject.detail.payload);
if (getTreeViewObject().selectedItem == originObject)
* Event Handler for |cr.quota.onStatisticsUpdated|.
* |event.detail| contains misc statistics data as dictionary.
* @param {CustomEvent} event StatisticsUpdated event.
function handleStatistics(event) {
* @type {Object.<string>}
var data = event.detail;
for (var key in data) {
var entry = statistics[key];
if (!entry) {
entry = cr.doc.createElement('tr');
statistics[key] = entry;
entry.detail = data[key];
entry.innerHTML =
'<td>' + stringToText_(key) + '</td>' +
'<td>' + stringToText_(entry.detail) + '</td>';
* Update description on 'tree-item-description' field with
* selected item in tree view.
function updateDescription() {
var item = getTreeViewObject().selectedItem;
var tbody = $('tree-item-description');
tbody.innerHTML = '';
if (item) {
var keyAndLabel = [['type', 'Storage Type'],
['host', 'Host Name'],
['origin', 'Origin URL'],
['usage', 'Total Storage Usage', numBytesToText_],
['unlimitedUsage', 'Usage of Unlimited Origins',
['quota', 'Quota', numBytesToText_],
['inUse', 'Origin is in use?'],
['usedCount', 'Used count'],
['lastAccessTime', 'Last Access Time',
['lastModifiedTime', 'Last Modified Time',
for (var i = 0; i < keyAndLabel.length; ++i) {
var key = keyAndLabel[i][0];
var label = keyAndLabel[i][1];
var entry = item.detail.payload[key];
if (entry === undefined)
var normalize = keyAndLabel[i][2] || stringToText_;
var row = cr.doc.createElement('tr');
row.innerHTML =
'<td>' + label + '</td>' +
'<td>' + normalize(entry) + '</td>';
* Dump |treeViewObject| or subtree to a object.
* @param {?{cr.ui.Tree|cr.ui.TreeItem}} opt_treeitem
* @return {Object} Dump result object from |treeViewObject|.
function dumpTreeToObj(opt_treeitem) {
var treeitem = opt_treeitem || getTreeViewObject();
var res = {};
res.payload = treeitem.detail.payload;
res.children = [];
for (var i in treeitem.detail.children) {
var child = treeitem.detail.children[i];
if (isEmptyObject_(res.payload))
delete res.payload;
if (res.children.length == 0)
delete res.children;
return res;
* Dump |statistics| to a object.
* @return {Object} Dump result object from |statistics|.
function dumpStatisticsToObj() {
var result = {};
for (var key in statistics)
result[key] = statistics[key].detail;
return result;
* Event handler for 'dump-button' 'click'ed.
* Dump and show all data from WebUI page to 'dump-field' element.
function dump() {
var separator = '========\n';
$('dump-field').textContent =
separator +
'Summary\n' +
separator +
JSON.stringify({availableSpace: availableSpace}, null, 2) + '\n' +
separator +
'Usage And Quota\n' +
separator +
JSON.stringify(dumpTreeToObj(), null, 2) + '\n' +
separator +
'Misc Statistics\n' +
separator +
JSON.stringify(dumpStatisticsToObj(), null, 2);
function onLoad() {
cr.ui.decorate('tabbox', cr.ui.TabBox);
cr.quota.onGlobalInfoUpdated.addEventListener('update', handleGlobalInfo);
cr.quota.onPerHostInfoUpdated.addEventListener('update', handlePerHostInfo);
cr.quota.onStatisticsUpdated.addEventListener('update', handleStatistics);
$('refresh-button').addEventListener('click', cr.quota.requestInfo, false);
$('dump-button').addEventListener('click', dump, false);
cr.doc.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', onLoad, false);